Heroku Demo Source Code


Bloccit, a Reddit replica, is the first Ruby on Rails app I built. Bloccit is a Ruby on Rails app that lets users post, comment, and vote on links and content.


  • Users and guests (those without accounts) can view public topics, posts, and comments.
  • Users can create their own accounts in order to view private topics and posts and create their own posts and comments.
  • Users can format their posts using Markdown.
  • Users can favorite posts they like and vote posts up or down.
  • Posts are organized by topic and sorted by their rank (determined by age and number of votes).
  • Users can choose to receive email notifications when there are new comments on a post they have favorited.
  • Users can upload images to use in their posts and as their avatar.


Languages, Libraries, and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap

Databases: SQLite (Test, Development), PostgreSQL (Production)

Development Tools, Gems and Methodologies:

  • Test-Driven Development: RSpec, Capybara, FactoryGirl
  • Amazon Web Services (S3) for image storage
  • Devise for user authentication
  • SendGrid for email notifications
  • Redcarpet for Markdown formatting
  • Will_paginate for pagination
  • Pundit for authorization
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